An active lifestyle includes constant physical activity throughout the day instead of a sedentary lifestyle, primarily inactive. Getting up and moving counts as physical activity, whether going for a walk or working out at the gym. Physical activity differs from Sedentary activities like reading; sedentary lifestyles have far fewer health benefits. Living an active lifestyle has many perks, such as preventative care against developing certain conditions.
What are the Advantages of a more Active Lifestyle?
- You may be able to accomplish daily activities with ease. Activity helps to condition your heart, lungs, and muscles. This can help you get through your everyday tasks without becoming weary.
- You can help manage your weight. The activity allows your body to burn the calories you consume instead of storing them as fat. After you have been active, your body’s metabolism increases even further.
- Activity can benefit your health. Activity lowers your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Activity can help you manage blood pressure and blood sugar levels while lowering cholesterol levels. If you have arthritis, getting active may assist your joints to function more efficiently and comfortably.
- Not only will your bones and muscles get stronger, but you will also reduce your risk for falls and osteoporosis.
- Increased activity has been linked with improved moods, better sleep, and prevention or reduction of stress and depression.
What are the Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle?
A sedentary lifestyle raises your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Your immune system also deteriorates as a result of inactivity. This implies that it is unable to combat infections effectively.
How much Physical Activity do I need to Sustain my Health?
It’s better than doing nothing at all. You will see health benefits from being mostly inactive to putting in some effort. The following are suggested ranges:
- To stay healthy, do an aerobic activity a few days each week for at least 150 to 300 minutes (2.5 to 5 hours) of moderate activity or 75 to 150 of vigorous activity. Aerobic activities include walking, bicycling, dancing, swimming, and raking leaves. You can also do a combination of moderate and vigorous exercises.
- Every week, strength training is recommended. Strength training aids in the maintenance of your existing muscles as well as the development of new muscle tissue. Pushups, yoga, tai chi, and weightlifting are all forms of strength training. You can work out using anything that weighs something if you don’t have access to weights. Working for all the major muscle groups in your body is essential for keeping fit and healthy. Do 2 or 3 sets on each area of your body, using a weight that challenges you slightly. You can gradually increase your weight as you get stronger. Resistance bands are another great option if weights aren’t your thing.
Steps I can take to become more Physically Active
Set goals. Create a list of long-term and short-term objectives. You may wish to be able to walk for 30 minutes without feeling winded. Don’t make your goals time-dependent. For example, don’t aim for success in a month. Set more modest objectives, such as walking a bit further each week or experiencing less breathlessness.
- Be active all day. Being active does not require setting aside time each day for a workout. You can be more active by making small changes throughout the day. For example, park your car farther from the entrance when running errands. If possible, walk or ride a bike instead of driving places. Take the stairs instead of using an elevator.
- Keep track of both your activity and progress. This is accomplished by keeping a diary of your activities. Describe the sort of activity you did, as well as how long you spent doing it. You may also use a cellphone or other gadget to track your activity. Also, note your efforts. You could be performing everyday tasks more effortlessly, sleeping better, or gaining muscle mass.
- Step counting may assist in monitoring physical activity. 10,000 steps a day is a general guide. A pedometer wrist device tracks your progress; some phones have apps that do this. You may need to increase up to 10,000 steps gradually. Start by finding out how many steps you usually take in one day on average. Then try adding more daily steps each succeeding day than you took the previous day.
A sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading causes of death in developed countries. It’s time to break out of your chair and get moving! An active lifestyle has so many physical and mental benefits that it’s worth trying to change. If you don’t know where to start, we can help. Mr. EJL’s team of experts is here to provide you with all the information and support you need to achieve a healthy level of physical activity and improve your overall well-being. So, what are you waiting for? Get up and get moving!