How Your Lifestyle and Daily Routine Affect Blood Sugar Levels
Keeping your blood sugar levels in the recommended range may be difficult. Many things can alter your blood sugar levels, sometimes unexpectedly. The following are some elements that influence your blood sugar levels.
Healthy eating is an essential component of healthy living, whether you have diabetes. However, if you have diabetes, you need to understand how different meals affect your blood sugar levels. It’s more than just what you eat; it’s also about how much and what food you consume.
What to do:
Learn how to measure carbohydrates and suitable portion sizes. Learning how to count carbohydrates is essential to many diabetes management strategies. Carbohydrates are frequently responsible for the most significant changes in blood sugar levels. It’s critical to understand the number of carbohydrates in your meal, so you receive the proper insulin dose for people on mealtime insulin.
- Learn what portion size to use for each type of food. Simplify meal planning by keeping track of portions for foods you eat frequently. Use measuring cups or a scale to ensure the correct portion size and a precise carbohydrate count.
- Make each meal well-balanced. Plan as much as feasible for every meal to include a diversified combination of starches, fruits and vegetables, proteins, and oils. Keep an eye on the carbohydrates you consume.
- Carbohydrates come in different forms, some of which are better for you than others. These meals are low in carbohydrates and high in fiber, which aids in the maintenance of stable blood sugar levels. Discuss with your doctor, nurse, or dietitian the best food options and quantities for you.
- Keep your food and medications in order. You may experience low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) if you eat too little food compared to the amount of insulin you’re using, especially if you have diabetes. If you consume too much food, your blood sugar level could rise excessively (hyperglycemia). Discuss meal planning with your diabetes
- Sugar-sweetened beverages, on the other hand, should be avoided. Sugar-sweetened beverages are heavy in calories and provide minimal nutritional value. If you have diabetes, it’s vital to avoid these drinks since they create blood sugar levels to rise rapidly.
- However, if you have a low blood sugar level, that is an exception. Sugared beverages like soda, juice and sports drinks can be used to boost blood sugar levels when they are too low rapidly.
Another essential component of your diabetes treatment strategy is exercise. Your muscles burn sugar (glucose) when you exercise. Physical activity also aids in the efficient use of insulin.
This is why the factors listed above have a synergistic effect. The longer you exercise, the more your blood sugar levels improve. Even slight activities, like housework, gardening, or being on your feet for long periods, can help reduce your blood sugar levels.
What to do:
- Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss an exercise plan. Ask your doctor about the best form of exercise for you. Most adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week. On most days of the week, aim for approximately 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise.
If you’ve been out of action for a lengthy time, your doctor may wish to assess your general health before suggesting a program. They can advise you on the appropriate mix of aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises.
Keep a workout program. Find out when is the best time for you to work out so that it coincides with other aspects of your day, such as meals and prescriptions.
- Take the time to understand your numbers. Before exercising, talk to your doctor about blood sugar levels that are good for you.
- Check your blood sugar levels. Check your blood sugar levels before, during, and after exercise, especially if you take insulin or drugs that lower blood sugar. Even a day later, exercise can significantly decrease your blood sugar levels, mainly if the routine is new to you. Pay attention to symptoms of low blood sugar, such as being shaky, faint, weary, hungry, light-headed, irritable, or anxious.
- Have a small snack before exercising if you use insulin and the blood sugar level falls below 90 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).
- Keep yourself hydrated. Dehydration can influence blood sugar levels, so drink plenty of water or other fluids while exercising.
- Prepare ahead of time. If your blood sugar level drops too low, bring a small meal or glucose tablets with you every time you go out for exercise. Wear a medical identification bracelet that identifies you as diabetic.
- Depending on what you eat and your personal health history, adjust your diabetes treatment plan as needed. If you use insulin, consider reducing the amount before exercising and checking your blood sugar frequently for several hours after intense activity since occasionally delayed hypoglycemia can happen. Your doctor can help you determine what modifications should be made to your medication. If you’ve increased your exercise routine, you may need to change how you treat yourself.
Mr. Edward James Letko is a medical entrepreneur specializing in providing solutions to people living with diabetes. Learn this and much more about diabetes from our website!