Women diagnosed with diabetes experience a wide range of sexual difficulties. When not properly controlled, high blood sugar levels can damage the nerves and blood vessels essential for healthy sexual function. Diabetes can also inhibit sufficient blood flow to the genitals, essential for lubrication and heightened sensations.

This post will give you an overview of some of the problems women experience when they have diabetes.

What Are The Common Sexual Issues Women Face When Living With Diabetes?

A woman’s brain is one of the most important organs for her sexually. Once a woman has been sexually stimulated, the brain sends signals to the genitals to prepare for sex. However, diabetes can cause nerve damage interfering with transmitting these signals. Women also tend to lose interest in having sex when their body does not prepare well for sex.

Reduced Physical Sensations

Nerve damage and low blood circulation in the genitals lead to less sensation. This means that sensual touch may not be as pleasurable as it should be. Women will have difficulty becoming aroused and reaching orgasm.

Vaginal Dryness

The vagina becomes wet when the woman is sexually aroused. High blood glucose levels can interfere with lubrication, leaving the vagina dry and tight, making sexual intercourse painful and very uncomfortable.

You can relieve vaginal dryness with a lubricant that you can easily buy over the counter. You can also opt for estrogen therapy if you are in your menopause phase.

Urinary Tract Infections And Yeast Infections

Yeast and bacteria tend to flourish in high-sugar conditions. A diabetic woman is, therefore, more prone to infections that irritate the vaginal tissue. Additionally, post-menopausal women tend to be at a higher risk of getting yeast infections because estrogen declines and some changes in the vaginal tissue.

Anxiety and depression: managing diabetes can be stressful. Managing your medication, keeping track of your blood sugars, and following diets can be overwhelming over time. Women who are stressed may have trouble relaxing and enjoying sexual pleasures. She might end up becoming less interested in sex in the long run.

Orgasm difficulties: blood flow to the genitals and proper nerve signaling contribute towards a woman reaching orgasm. All these are factors that are disrupted by high blood sugar levels.

What Can Women Do To Reduce The Impact Of Diabetes On Their Sexual Life?

Despite all the issues we have mentioned above, there are a few things a woman can do to reduce the effects of diabetes on their sexual health. Some of these include

Keep Your Blood Sugar Levels Under Control

You will need to follow your doctor’s instructions to ensure that you have control over your blood sugar levels. This means you will have to keep checking your blood sugar levels, take your diabetes medication as directed by your doctor, follow the dietary guidelines, and get the recommended amount of exercise.

If your food choices are limited, you can get creative with your meal plans. You can search for delicious diabetes recipes online to keep all your meals interesting.

Visit Your Doctor Regularly

Diabetes is not the only condition affecting a woman’s sex life. Other factors, including medication, menopause, and relationship issues, can have a negative effect on a woman’s sex life. Your doctor can do a complete physical on you to learn what needs attention to improve your sex life.

Regular visits to your doctor allow you to keep tabs on your diabetes and assess your medication. Some medications, such as antidepressants and blood pressure drugs, may have adverse side effects on your sex life. Your doctor may recommend adjustments to your medication if this is the case.

Consider Seeing A Therapist Or A Counselor

The stress of managing diabetes can take a toll on your mental health, leading to reduced sexual desire. A therapist or a counselor can help you and your partner learn how to work through the stress and help you find realistic ways how you can enjoy sex again.


While there is still a considerable gap in the knowledge of how best to support diabetic women and sexual dysfunction, raising awareness of the problem is vital to help healthcare professionals and women with diabetes discuss the condition as part of the diabetes clinical consultation.

References and Resources